2022 Year in Review

The quote that best explains 2022 is from Zig Ziglar, a motivational speaker popular in the ‘80s. In his words, You cannot make it as a wandering generality, you must become a meaningful specific. In both my 2019 and 2021…

2021 Year in Review

2021 felt like both the longest and shortest year ever. Year 2 of the pandemic. It all just felt like a blur: Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss…

Hello, I’m Shelly!

Adulting with ADHD is hard, but hopefully the tips and tricks that I share on this blog makes it just a tad easier for you. My goal is to motivate you (+me) to eat healthier & get organized so we can focus on living our best lives. More about me→


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