7×7 | Ti Couz Creperie & Arinell Pizza

When 7×7’s The 2011 Big Eat San Francisco: 100 Things to Try Before You Die List first came out, I was sad to see how few things I’ve actually tried on the list. Two of the HUNDRED that I’ve actually blogged about was Bi Rite’s Salted Caramel and Roli Roti’s Porchetta Sandwich. Not wanting to die an unhappy soul, I’ve been making it a point to go visit a few of the places on the list. As a result, I am pleased to bring you… Seven 7×7 Restaurants in Seven Days.

Ti Couz Creperie

A Breakfast Crepe in the making: Eggs, Ham and Caramelized Onion


Ti Couz’s Ratatouille Buckwheat Crepe with Mushroom Sauce



To kick off my 7×7 adventures, I went on a mini Mission District food tour with a friend; we ended hitting up three places in one night. First stop was Ti Couz to try their Buckwheat Crepe and French Cider. The menu listed a large variety of crepes, both sweet and savory. I’m not one to have dessert before dinner so we went for a ratatouille crepe with mushrooms.
Also, anything you order with mushrooms, you will have delicious creamy mushroom sauce drizzled on top. This made the crepe stand out from your typical crepe. I savored every bite. To complete the 7×7 experience, we also ordered the Cider, also very good.
Shelly’s Verdict: Try this before you die.

Arinell Pizza


On our way to the next restaurant, we made a pit stop at Arinell’s for their cheese pizza. They are known for their New York style, thin crust pizza. Note, this place is small, so be prepared to eat your pizza on the go.

Shelly’s Verdict: Overrated. At less than $3 a slice, this was definitely an affordable meal. Do I have to eat this before I die? Definitely not.

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  1. […] Verdict: This is the fourth 7×7 restaurant (technically fifth since Day 1 featured 2 different spots), and a pattern seems to be emerging… the favorite item of the […]

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