I can’t believe it, I am almost halfway through the Bite Sized Fitness Challenge! Six weeks ago, I decided to finally to adding weights into my workout routine. As a complete lifting newbie, I was lucky to find BiteSizedFitness’s Instagram…
Readers, get ready for more #gymselfies on my Instagram cause I’ve finally started one of the 10 things that I’ve set out to accomplish in 2014 – to start lifting, bro. I know we’re more than halfway over with the year, but…
Hello everyone, I’ve missed you so! I know that I’ve talked about wanting to be a more consistent blogger in 2014, however work has just been crazy and exhausting this past month. When I get home at the end of…
A year ago, I would still have considered myself quite the spinning “noob”. During my first few months, there were two things I noticed that the regulars were using during class that I wasn’t. The first was spin shoes, and…
It’s no secret that I love spinning. My friends know it too – nowadays, I have internal battles between going out late Friday night or my favorite spin class at 8:30 AM on Saturday morning. Spin wins 3 out of 4…