Ciao from Italy!

Hello blog, I’ve been pretty MIA this month, and for good reason! Work has been nuts and I haven’t had much time to think about food, let around write about it. In addition, I’ve been planning my 2.5 week Europe trip to Italy and France, so any free time and energy I’ve had has gone to that.

But, I’m happy to say I’ve made it through all the work and it’s time to play because my vacation has officially started! ๐Ÿ™‚ I wrote briefly about this trip in How I Booked My Round Trip Flight to Europe for Under $225 post, but hopefully I can take you through my trip and write shorter posts about my experiences here!

I’m going to try something new on the blog – I’m going to (try) to write about my travels as it happens. Far too often I take a trip, and then put it on a back log of things to post about, but never end up doing it.

At this very moment, I’m writing to you from the comforts of my Airbnb apartment in the heart of Campo di Fiori in Rome. J, Tigger-Domo and I have been wandering the streets of ancient Rome and have been eating our weight in gelato, pizza, and arancini (fried risotto balls) and have been enjoying every second of it!

I’ll be recapping our 3 days in Rome soon, but until then, you can follow me on Instagram for more updates. Ciao from Italy!

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