Day 20: The Bad, When Life Gets into the Way of Cleansing

During the last weekend of the cleanse, my brother decided to move back to California. In just a moment’s notice, my weekend turned from trying to not break my cleanse while showing my visiting friend around NYC to also having to help my brother clean, pack and pack away his life so he can move.

Needless to say, that was very very stressful. I definitely had fun exploring NYC with a new CLEAN POV seeking Clean food but the rest was driving me nuts.

Let’s face it, things don’t always go the way you planned, and life gets in the way. As a glass is half-full kind of gal, I tried to look on the brighter side of things, seeing this more as a challenge and a learning opportunity to see how I can find ways to be a bit more CLEAN, and I’m not talking about my brother’s messy apartment in the photo above.

The one thing that made me the most grumpy was starving since I was exerting a lot of energy, while not really being able to replenish because there was nothing in the apartment that I could snack on. On Saturday, I went to spin class, had a smoothie, then wandered around Manhattan, had a juice, and didn’t grab dinner until 9PM! In hindsight, I should have brought extra snacks or a smoothie along with me so I could keep my energy up.

It also helped that I had some cleanse cheerleaders by my side. I can’t tell you how many times during the “harder” times that I wanted to just quit and break the cleanse. I was hungry, grumpy, and was simply annoyed, but with the support of friends who reminded me why I was doing the cleanse, I kept at it. Because of them, I was able to complete my whole 21 days!

Lesson: Bring snacks when you think you won’t be able to find clean food and find a friend who can help keep you on track and motivate you when you think that you can’t take it anymore.

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